Create professional workshops that wow your audience

Are your presentations boring or too text heavy? Or have you changed your branding and need to update your presentations? Perhaps you just need to add some visuals – infographics to get your message across?

This workshop is designed to give you a that ‘quick fix’ you need to bring your presentations to life.

This 3 hour online workshop will have you re-energized about your slides and how you can package your presentation with participant workbooks, facilitator guide and create that engaging workshop or presentation you’ve been hoping for.

Have you been thinking about creating your own presentation pack but don’t know where to start? Then this is the place for you!

In this fun 3 hours we will guide you through branding your presentation pack, using master slides, your personalised branding styles and tricks and tips to be more efficient with power point.

Facilitator guides and learner worksheets/workbooks will also have your unique branding, along with valuable, organised layouts ready to build with your content for all of your future presentations.


Included in this program:

  • Creation of presentation package through an adult educational lens
  • Developing your content into engaging digital assets
  • Designing participant workbooks
  • Designing facilitator guide and notes
  • Use Master slides to fully customise to your brand

Workshop dates to be advised.  Please click the waiting button to go onto our next workshop list.