Educational Design 

Educational design consultant providing an outstanding service in assisting organisations, small business and individuals ensure their workshops, extension programs or accredited courses are human-centered, industry current and engaging learning experiences for both the facilitator and the student.

Book a call to chat and see how we can bring your concept to life

Helping Organisations

Design conceptual frameworks

Subject matter experts (SMEs) collaboration

Program design / development / implementation / review / evaluation

Curriculum mapping / Industry needs analysis

LMS Moodle / Articulate 360  / Power point / WordPress


Helping Small Business

Induction packages

Conceptualising and storyboarding ideas

Developing your ideas / Course Creation

Identifying learning platform

Staff training

Workshop presentation packages

Facilitator guides / Learner workbooks

Helping Individuals and Startups

Conceptualising ideas

Developing your ideas

Discover your curriculum and content

Curriculum development and mapping

Identifying your learning platform

Workshop packages

Learner workbooks / Facilitator guides

Previous client


Available for brief consults or longer term projects of up to 3 month terms, or for ongoing please contact us below for project discussions, quote and timelines.

Educational Design Consultant Services

Curriculum Mapping

Mapping units of competency with industry currency to meet ASQA and AQF standards for curriculum development.

Design conceptual frameworks

Turning concepts into tactile, engaging products to suit industry currency.

Resource library mapping

Mapping resource libraries to training packages and units of competency, to create easy access for industry stakeholders.

Course evaluation

Evaluation of existing courses to analyse currency and relevancy to industry capabilities.

Report creation

Report construction and presentation for specific projects, including evaluations, analysis and recommendations.

Industry needs analysis

Conducting industry educational needs analysis and providing possible, practicle solutions.

Resource development guide

Provide a complete guide regarding the development of resources for organisations and small business.

Working with SME’s

Liaise with Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) to create engaging, current course content for industry programs.

Tell us about your project. Let us help you define your needs and set a plan.