REDMED Online Course

Evaluating and redesigning existing course

SOS Medical Services



Evaluate existing course through an educational lens

Brainstorming and consultations with key stakeholders

Program design and development

Designing and writing learning outcomes

Curriculum design and development

Creating interactive activities to enhance learner engagement

Evaluating and redesigning the existing course for a more engaging interactive learning experience.

This project would see the current Red Med (Rescue Expedition & Disaster Medicine online) Course upgraded to a more professional, interactive, engaging online learning experience that will enhance the vast information already in the course.

Project objective:

This project required a full evaluation of current modules, redesing and development of course content into a more engaging, interactive authoring tool to enhance learners experience, retention and enrolments.

To eliminate text heavy modules and cognitive overload, new learning activities, such as scenarios, case studies, interatctive media blocks and knowledge checks were developed from existing content along with some new concepts.


  • Investigating and implementing the best options for seamless online delivery and integrating new authoring tools within the LMS
  • Evaluation of existing module content (60 modules) to determine the overload of text and how to improve it
  • Desiging the flow of the learning with new actrivities, quizzes, knowledge checks and assessment within Articulate Rise.
  • All discussions and consultations required to provide the very best of learning experiences.

Project outcome:

This program was completed on Thinkific LMS and well received by Red Medicine and their students.

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