Weighing up remote learning

May 16, 2021 | Creative, Strategy

What does it mean to learn remotely?

Humans learn every day, whether they are aware of it or not. To learn is simply acquiring knowledge of pretty much anything. Though it can be done anywhere, there have been various specific avenues such as schools, universities, colleges, and so on that have been put in place to cater to that need.

In recent times, however, a new form of acquiring knowledge has been discovered. It is called Remote learning. This is only possible thanks to technological advancements and the provision of computers and such alike.

Learning can be referred to in a lot of ways, such as e-learning, virtual instruction, distance education, or more commonly remote learning.

It is simply when the teacher or information source is not in close contact with the learner. Learning is done typically through technological means like emails, video conferences, discussion boards, learning management systems and voice calls.

There is no need for either party to be present physically for the information to be passed across successfully.

Remote learning has become the main way to acquire education in recent times due to the pandemic, which does not allow for physical interaction between strangers.

With the rise in the use of e-learning, it has become important to note the pros and cons of learning remotely to understand its function.



Ample freedom to have naps and breaks when necessary;

this is considered by a lot of students or learners as the best part of e-learning. Students can start class whenever they feel ready, which gives them the chance to wake from sleep later than usual. They can eat, take bathroom breaks, and even sleep when necessary, which is a major benefit for many people.

As opposed to the traditional classroom setting where breaks are being timed, making learners very fidgety, and distracted from what they are to learn, those who participate in online learning are more comfortable because there is no rigid time pace for things, and one can get relieved when necessary.

Learners learn at their desired pace;

everyone has a pace at which they process information. Some are quicker, while others are a lot slower. Both learners, however, find absolute comfort in e-learning because they are not forced to learn at the pace of one another.

When they are given assignments to do, they can take their own time to work on the project without being overly concerned about a possible deadline.

If a student feels more alert in the morning or even at night, they can learn at whichever time suits them best. This empowers them to learn when it best suits them.

Learners gain the ability to challenge their thinking faculties and solve problems themselves;

as a result of a teacher or an instructor not being physically present to respond to the questions of students immediately, the student is propelled to solve the problem all on their own.

This will make a student be able to tackle problems solo and not rely on extra help. This, in turn, will enhance the student’s self-confidence.

Families get to spend a lot more time with one another;

typically, to learn, students have to leave home and go to school. Many have to spend more time after school engaging in various social and extracurricular activities. Some activities even extend into the weekends, giving them little to no time for family.


With e-learning, it is completely different as students do not have to leave home at all. They come to know their siblings and other relatives better, and if their parents have to work from home, they get to interact with one another more often.

Members of the family can engage in a lot of bonding activities like taking strolls together, playing games, and talking about their feelings to each other.

Learners have a chance to improve their digital literacy;

learning online allows one to sharpen their internet skills. Simply put, the more time students spend navigating through the internet to learn, the more they learn about the internet. This makes it easier for them to use it.



Learners may be prone to developing mental health problems;

the foundation of e-learning is the fact that it does not involve physical interaction with other students and the instructor. While this is a good idea considering the current situation of things, it has also proven to be a challenge.

Humans are naturally social creatures, and not being allowed to spend time and socialize with other students can pose to be a problem for a learner. Being isolated or cut off from other classmates can make a student lose motivation, become depressed, or even anxious.

Isolation from friends can cause a learner to focus on the problems plaguing the world and can make them feel deeply saddened.

To avoid this, students should engage in as many normal activities as they can within the restrictions. They can also talk about what they feel with parents or trusted relatives. This will help them remain positive.

Learners will not be able to engage in social activities;

with the pandemic, the practice of social distancing has become the norm of the day. This means that students who would usually engage in sporting activities, games, and other extracurricular events are not able to do so anymore. More so now, with e-learning being their means of getting an education.

This can make learners feel very bored and agitated, having been cooped up indoors. To curb this, students can take part in indoor activities like scavenger hunts, board games, and other fun exercises. They can also interact with friends via social media to maintain a sense of normalcy.

Learners who lack digital literacy will find it difficult;

although technology is widespread and the internet is the home base of spreading and receiving information, many still struggle with navigating through the internet. Those who do not have the skill to communicate or pass information online will find e-learning quite frustrating.

Assignments are usually uploaded online through Dropbox, Zoom, Google Docs, and other avenues. Those who lack digital literacy will most likely get frustrated easily.

The physical unavailability of a teacher can make the learner lose interest in attempting to navigate through lessons because no one is present to assist them. A poor internet connection can make it quite difficult to turn in assignments and even connect to classes online. Many do not have the technology to participate in lessons online.

To solve these problems, instructors could try minimizing the forums in which they upload assignments, that way students can find it easier to access them. Necessary computers can be donated by companies and schools. Internet suppliers can also reduce internet fees and make their connection stronger.



Although there are a lot of learning designs put in place to make learning more appealing, remote learning is the most common one used today due to the pandemic.

It is therefore vital for instructors, school communities, parents, and the community as a whole to work together to curb its challenges and focus on the benefits it brings. This will make it easier for students to adapt to it and gain the most out of it.